AXA ART unveils world’s finest global corporate collections


A new book, ‘Global Corporate Collections’ will be unveiled at AXA Art’s VIP Lounge during Art Basel show in Basel this June. Published by Deutsche Standards EDITIONEN, the 700+ page publication features more than 80 art collections, widely considered to be among the best corporate art collections around the world. The book’s illustrations and accompanying essays offer readers insights into a history of art patronage by multi-national corporations in 25 countries.

From luxury market companies, members of the banking and insurance industries to transportation and equipment manufacturers, the project brings to focus an international group of corporate collectors committed to making art a distinctive part of their corporate heritage, and have integrated an impressive array of art into their workplace.  Some have cited their founders and leaders passion for supporting the arts as a motivating factor, while others say it is a way to stimulate intellectual curiosity in the workplace and to promote client engagement.

“Congratulations to Deutsche Standards for its work on the production of this book which represents a record of art patronage”, said AXA ART’s Global CEO Kai Kuklinski. “Art is at the core of what we do in business and an important part of our corporate culture. We are therefore especially pleased to be associated with this project, and for the occasion to use our presence at the prominent Art Basel fair, an ideal setting to highlight contributions of multi-national corporations, who have dedicated time and resources to curate and build quality art collections”.

Deutsche Standards’ publisher Dr Florian Langenscheidt added: “We are exceedingly proud to be able to present an unparalleled and exclusive selection of some of the finest art collections owned by companies from about 25 countries”.

The featured collections within ‘Global Corporate Collections’ were picked by an advisory board, which includes AXA ART’s global CEO, Kai Kuklinski. The publication is edited by Friedrich Conzen (managing director, Werkladen Conzen Kunst Service, Düsseldorf), Max Hollein (director, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main) and Olaf Salié (managing director and editor-in-chief, Deutsche Standards EDITIONEN, Cologne).  The book is the second volume of a previous 2012 publication which focused on impressive company-owned collections in Germany.
